Skins Herren A400 Half Tights, Black, L

Hersteller: SKIAU|#Skins

Marke: Skins

Modell: ZB99320029001L

EAN: 9333826086301

Produktgruppe: Ausrüstung

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2024-05-08 06:42:33

Preis: 34,90 €
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt., ggf. zzgl. Versandkosten
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  • Increases oxygen delivery to active muscles while in motion and reduces lactic-acid build-up for more power and less recovery time
  • Our fabrics have a UV protection of 50+, which means you can get out and train harder without worrying about the sun related risks.
  • The A-Seam was developed specifically for technical athletic wear-its sleek construction means it sits flat against your body to eliminate chafing.
  • Keeping you dry through advanced wicking is inherent in all SKINS fabrics - moisture is drawn away from your skin, so you stay dry and comfortable